Welcome to the Official Penn State Moms Website
Welcome to the PSUMoms Website
This website serves as a high quality resource for moms and parents who are sending their sons and daughters to Penn State University.
Our website is packed with valuable, time saving information
you can use to help your future or current student get the most out of their Penn State experience.
This site is developed by current and former students alike, which gives us a unique angle to provide only the best and most relevant information

The Penn State 2023-2024 Academic Year
Can you believe it? The beginning of a new academic year at Penn State is just around the corner. Right now is the best time to begin planning as much as you can for your students upcoming year both in the classroom and in the dorm room. Start thinking about things like food plans and room essentials as well as textbooks for class. Please use the navigation bars on this site to get started as well as these high priority links perfect for this time of year.
- Download A University Park Campus Map
- Penn State 2023 Academic Calendar
- Penn State Dorm Room Essentials
- Penn State Food Services
- Top 10 Essentials For Walking to Class
- Must Have College School Supplies
While it may feel like a thing of the past please remember to take covid seriously in a crowded setting like Penn State classrooms and campus life. The Penn State covid page can be found here.
Information about Penn State University
Let's face it, searching for college information can be difficult and frustrating. Here at PSUMoms, we sort through all the fluff and provide you with the most relevant and up to date information about the entire Penn State experience
Types of resources and information
Using the options in the navigation window you will find several categories to choose from which you can use to view the information this site has to offer. Important research into subjects such as student housing, student loans, LionCash+, on campus banking and even Penn State football can help you and your student prepare for the hard work and lots of fun which will be the result of going to college at Penn State
PSUMoms members only extras
PSUMoms previously offered free PSUMoms.com email accounts to all visitors, but this service became so popular that our email servers filled up and our staff could not keep up with the demand. Recently we have cleaned up our inboxes, reset the system and once again offer @PSUMoms.com email addresses to members who make any size donation.
Sign up and show your pride while supporting the site and its developers.
We encourage you to bookmark our site and come back as often as you like to check your email and keep current with campus activity. We will be adding and updating new articles frequently, so the more you check back the more excellent information you will have access to.
If there is something you'd like to know more about, just send us a message and we will see what we can do to add information to the site

Ask a Penn State Student
Finally, Please try our "Ask a Student" section where your questions will be answered as best they can by actual students attending the Penn State University Park campus! Please allow 48 hours for a response as our students are very busy studying and attending classes!